Warm up the Winter 2024
LAST CHANCE: Hat, glove and sock donations are due by Sunday, February 4th! Monetary donations are also welcome. We’re collecting winter hats, gloves, and socks for our homeless and marginally housed neighbors in Spring Valley. They’ll be distributed directly to folks in need, in partnership with the Salvation Army Emergency Food Truck Program. Can’t shop? We’ll… Read more
Welcome Reverend Maddalone
The Rev. Angela J. Maddalone is the Director of Spiritual Services at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco, NY. An ordained minister in the PC(USA) she earned her Master of Divinity Degree and Masters of Sacred Theology in Social Ethics Degree from Union Theological Seminary in New York City and completed her Clinical Pastoral Education… Read more
Who’s That Baby?
The Fellowship Committee is sponsoring a “Who’s that Baby?” contest on Saturday January 20 from 2-4 PM. Baby photos from the congregation will be on display, and as we guess who each baby is, we will enjoy ice cream and snacks. Please send an electronic copy of your baby picture (up to 3 years old… Read more
NHPC Joins Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign– Saturday, December 16th
It’s not the holiday season until you hear the bells ringing outside your favorite store or business! This year, our church will partner with the Salvation Army in their Red Kettle Campaign. On Saturday, December 16th, we’ll be at the Palisades Mall, near the Cheesecake Factory restaurant, to ring the bells, spread holiday cheer, and… Read more
Hanging of the Greens
On Sunday, December 3, we will decorate the Sanctuary for the Christmas Season, and many hands make light work! Please plan to help with this annual event. Enjoy a light soup lunch after the service and stay to hang a few wreaths, garlands and decos to “spruce” up the sanctuary! It’s a fun group effort… Read more
It’s Time for Thanksgiving Baskets!
The tradition continues….Once again this year, we will be providing Thanksgiving Baskets to help meet the need in our community. Our goal this year is 50 baskets, to provide a hearty Thanksgiving meal to local families in need. Please bring non-perishable items to church on Sunday, November 12th. Perishable items (frozen turkey and bread) should… Read more