I’m New
We welcome you to worship with us. Our service starts at 11 AM for most of the year; and starts at 10 AM during the summer. Here are a few things you might like to know.

Worship Style
Our worship service can be described as “creative traditional”. The order of worship is in the traditional protestant Presbyterian style and yet we try to add new, different elements to it.
The first Sunday of each month is a communion service and all who believe in Jesus Christ and are baptized are invited to partake.
Music is a big part of our worship. We sing hymns from the Glory to God hymn book of the Presbyterian Church, accompanied by piano and organ. Our choir sings a variety of folk, jazz, gospel, and traditional music as an anthem each week. Special music may be performed by a variety of instruments, such as guitar, violin, flute, French horn, and other brass instruments.
We welcome all God’s children; it is okay that they may not sit quietly the entire service. We offer coloring book materials with a bible story focus and a children’s-time alternative during the sermon whenever possible for those who wish to participate.

Dress in whatever you are comfortable wearing; some of us like to dress in our best while others choose a more relaxed style.
There is a coffee hour immediately following the service each Sunday and you are invited to stay for a snack and a beverage, and an opportunity to get to know us better. We are welcoming to all regardless of race, sex, or gender orientation.

Handicapped parking is available close to the church and our building is handicapped accessible. Please speak to an usher for information and assistance.
The parking lot is directly behind the church building and to the side near the barn and the manse. There are parking spaces marked for visitors; if they are not available feel free to park anywhere in the lot.